Nice ride L-B
Seriously, I didn’t think Liberty-Benton would give St. Henry a game Saturday.
I thought maybe the Eagles’ went as far as they could go after whipping Ayersville in the regional finals. I was wrong and I must offer my sincere apologies because they played a whale of a game against St. Henry.
It’s been an amazing turnaround at L-B. While they weren’t the doormat of the Blanchard Valley Conference in the 1980s and 1990s they sure weren’t very good for the most part.
One person has helped turn it around, coach Scott Garlock. But even he would admit it’s been a total effort from his assistants, parents and of course hard work by the kids themselves that have turned Liberty-Benton from a football afterthought to a state playoff caliber program.
Oh, of course, you can’t win without talent and right now Liberty-Benton has talent walking the halls.
I know some of you out there just loved to see Liberty-Benton lose in the state semifinals. Why? They worked hard to get there and you can’t complain anymore that they were beating smaller schools because their playoff run was in Division V.
Why can’t everyone in the BVC just get along and support one another. Now it’s L-B from what I understand when Van Buren was winning in a lot of sports in the 1980s everyone hated them.
When it comes to the postseason it’s time to put all those petty differences aside and get behind the teams from you conference. Like it or not, just like your crazy Uncle Mike, that’s always there at Thanksgiving, they are still a part of your conference family.
The only thing I’d like to see is some of those athletes on a wrestling mat. Not just at L-B but at schools like Arlington and Leipsic too. Hell, Arcadia is going to have a couple of state placers and McComb could have a couple too. Not everyone is cut out for basketball some of those big guys in the trenches could use something to do in the winter.
Any coach, kid or parent out there interested in getting something going at your school wrestling wise can email me. We’ll see what we can do.
GIRLS ARE HOOPING IT: Well the girls basketball season is now underway with the opening weekend under their belts. Bluffton won their own holiday tournament and Arlington will start the season without 6-foot-3 post player Morgan Rogers who will likely miss a couple of games.
I’m not sure how good area teams will be. Usual powers New Riegel and Upper Sandusky started the season with losses so it kind of throws my thinking out of whack. We’ll know more how things should be shaping up around Christmas time.
BLANKETY-BLANK: Was it an impressive display of defense, or just one good team opening up a can of whup-ass on a couple of bad teams? Ottawa-Glandorf blanked Toledo Libbey in the second and third quarters Friday night in a 75-7 win over the Cowgirls. The Titans followed that up by beating Miller City the following night 67-11 as they kept the Wildcats off the scoreboard in the entire second half. Is it me or is the gap between the best and the worst teams in girls basketball widening by the year. The gulf between the haves and the have nots seem to be getting bigger and bigger.
BASKETBALL TAB: The Courier Basketball Tab comes out Wednesday. Make sure and get your copy if you are a high school hoops fanatic.
Courier Local Sports (Includes area girls roundup, L-B’s football game and UF men’s basketball)
Fostoria Review Times Sports
Little Giants fall to St. Ursula
Chieftains control Lakota in opener
Shelby stops Ashland
Blue Jays open with rout of Kalida
I thought maybe the Eagles’ went as far as they could go after whipping Ayersville in the regional finals. I was wrong and I must offer my sincere apologies because they played a whale of a game against St. Henry.
It’s been an amazing turnaround at L-B. While they weren’t the doormat of the Blanchard Valley Conference in the 1980s and 1990s they sure weren’t very good for the most part.
One person has helped turn it around, coach Scott Garlock. But even he would admit it’s been a total effort from his assistants, parents and of course hard work by the kids themselves that have turned Liberty-Benton from a football afterthought to a state playoff caliber program.
Oh, of course, you can’t win without talent and right now Liberty-Benton has talent walking the halls.
I know some of you out there just loved to see Liberty-Benton lose in the state semifinals. Why? They worked hard to get there and you can’t complain anymore that they were beating smaller schools because their playoff run was in Division V.
Why can’t everyone in the BVC just get along and support one another. Now it’s L-B from what I understand when Van Buren was winning in a lot of sports in the 1980s everyone hated them.
When it comes to the postseason it’s time to put all those petty differences aside and get behind the teams from you conference. Like it or not, just like your crazy Uncle Mike, that’s always there at Thanksgiving, they are still a part of your conference family.
The only thing I’d like to see is some of those athletes on a wrestling mat. Not just at L-B but at schools like Arlington and Leipsic too. Hell, Arcadia is going to have a couple of state placers and McComb could have a couple too. Not everyone is cut out for basketball some of those big guys in the trenches could use something to do in the winter.
Any coach, kid or parent out there interested in getting something going at your school wrestling wise can email me. We’ll see what we can do.
GIRLS ARE HOOPING IT: Well the girls basketball season is now underway with the opening weekend under their belts. Bluffton won their own holiday tournament and Arlington will start the season without 6-foot-3 post player Morgan Rogers who will likely miss a couple of games.
I’m not sure how good area teams will be. Usual powers New Riegel and Upper Sandusky started the season with losses so it kind of throws my thinking out of whack. We’ll know more how things should be shaping up around Christmas time.
BLANKETY-BLANK: Was it an impressive display of defense, or just one good team opening up a can of whup-ass on a couple of bad teams? Ottawa-Glandorf blanked Toledo Libbey in the second and third quarters Friday night in a 75-7 win over the Cowgirls. The Titans followed that up by beating Miller City the following night 67-11 as they kept the Wildcats off the scoreboard in the entire second half. Is it me or is the gap between the best and the worst teams in girls basketball widening by the year. The gulf between the haves and the have nots seem to be getting bigger and bigger.
BASKETBALL TAB: The Courier Basketball Tab comes out Wednesday. Make sure and get your copy if you are a high school hoops fanatic.
Courier Local Sports (Includes area girls roundup, L-B’s football game and UF men’s basketball)
Fostoria Review Times Sports
Little Giants fall to St. Ursula
Chieftains control Lakota in opener
Shelby stops Ashland
Blue Jays open with rout of Kalida
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
The BVC is unified! They all dislike LB. The kids, parents, and teachers are arrogant. Go to a LB graduation and you will hear the arogance from the school officials. Go to a game, any game, and listen to the arrogance of the parents and kids. They are the rich bullies of the BVC. I for one am glad they got beat.
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
BTW, Scott Garlock is scum in my book, and many others if you can get people to be honest. To leave a school after one year to go to another school in same conference is being a scum. Would Jim T go to Michigan for a few more dollars? No, classy people do not do that.
At 4:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I for one and glad they showed St Henry and the MAC that the BVC is not the pushover they think it is.
I was also glad them aggogant B*stards got beat..
At 5:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Guess you missed the lack of commitment that Cory didn't deliver on for Garlock. Maybe that is why LB is doing well, commitment from all levels (like Jamie states).
At 5:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I for one completely disagree with the tasteless comments being left. My son has played against LB boys in many sports, & has made many friendships among his rivals.
He went to Lima on Saturday to support a fellow BVC team, & was proud of them for representing the BVC, & getting that far!
When it comes to tournaments, it is about supporting all the kids from the conference, not being jealous of their awesome accomplishments!
Congratulations to LB on a GREAT year, from a BVC Parent from another school!
The BVC is proud of you!
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hats off to LB for carrying the BVC banner proud. The BVC gets some flack in the area for being a weak conference. Hardin Northern recent success and LB's run the last few years proves the BVC can run with the Big boys. All we hear about is how good the MAC is, well the BVC took a great St. Henry team to the limit.
I for one have a lot of respect for LB. They are successful because they work hard.
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boy, a lot of you guys really do hate L-B.
Hey Coach B:
A while back you were going to give your theory about St. Wendelin sports in general. Did I miss that?
At 4:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Garlock was at Cory only ONE year. That is not much time to give. Sorry, if he was not happy fine, leave, but not to another BVC school. No class. Within a year another school will flas a few bucks in his face and he will leave LB. I know kids and parents from Arlington, VB, McComb, CR, and Arcadia. All of whom rooted for St. Henry. The only thing more cocky then LB football fans are their BB fans.
At 5:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
All schools have the few people who feel that their school is above everyone else. LB just happens to have more of these people then normal.
At 9:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the positive comments and to Jamie for the starter.
On the other hand, just because a few of you (or is it the same loser) keep saying it, doesn't make it so. Jealousy is a terrible thing.
One thing that was evident after each of the playoff games was a mutual respect for the programs involved. I don't recall anyone from Ayersville, Chanel, Tinora or St. Henry complaining about LB's arrogance. Rather, it was common to hear about the class that was displayed. Rest assured, LB represented the BVC well. For a football team, that is a reflection of the coach as well as the community.
Feel free to continue the attempt to convince yourselves otherwise.
At 10:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a parent of Findlay kids, I could care less about the on goings of the BVC. As a fan of football, I have noticed Liberty Benton fans being obnoxious at games. I think its the type people who live in the Hilcrest area. Much different then those in many of the other BVC schools. Just an observation.
At 11:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
There isn't any reason why LB shouldn't dominate the BVC in all sports. They double up most schools in size. In football the BVC is very very bottom heavy.
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its time Liberty leave the BVC.
At 11:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Remember folks, these are kids out there playing. When I see comments like "arrogant B*stards", I cannot believe the complete lack of perspective (and class) on this whole situation. Isn't envy one of the seven deadlies?
At 5:25 PM,
WJ said…
Why would you want to eliminate all of your tough competition? There would never be a challenge after that, and the conference really would be weak. Why not step it up and beat LB, and prepare yourselves better for a playoff run? I guess I don't get it.
At 6:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Where was "arrogant B*stards" used? I do not see that in any of the posts.
At 6:49 PM,
--J-- said…
I think arrogant bastards was used on a previous topic.
OK whether you like the Eagles or not they were one helluva football team this year.
At 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
They were good, that does not mean the parents, fans and schools leaders have the right to be as arrogant as they are. A good season does not require us to respect their behavior.
At 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Actually it was "aggogant B*stards" with arrogant spelled "aggogant". And its the 3rd post from the top.
At 6:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just what exactly does "the parents, fans and schools leaders have the right to be as arrogant as they are" mean? And please be specific, because there are some people who have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
That's the problem. There aren't specifics, its just the misconception that a few want to keep promoting.
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Next graduation day at LB, attend and listen to the school officials. Dont take my word on it, go and listen yourself. Go to a LB parent or fan and ask them what they think of their school and other BCV schools and sports programs. Dont take my word on it, go and ask questions and see yourself. There is a reason why they have a bad rep. Its not just a few people who promote it, its them by their actions and words who promote it. Talk to parents of athletes from other BVC schools, not one or two, but many. See what you get in return.
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I AM a parent of a Liberty-Benton athlete. I have two other kids who have graduated from there. I also know a lot of parents from other BVC schools who I talk to at various events. The conversations are always respectful and courteous. I have NEVER taught or encouraged my kids to look down on other BVC schools or athletes. I realize there is a PERCEPTION - believe me I've heard it literally hundreds of times. But I've come to the conclusion that most of it is based on the petty jealousies of parents, who have lost perspective on their childrens' extra-curriculuar activities. High school sports are not life or death, people. Some of you really need to take a deep breath, and look at what you post. Calling people scum and B*stards, or saying all LB parents look down on the other BVC schools, really shows more about your lack of perspective than it does about any "arrogance" you think you see.
At 2:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I do not have teenage kids, and do not live in LB or any of the BVC school districts. As an outside observer, LB people do come across as a bit on the snobby side. I am not sure why, its not like they live on south main street in Findlay!
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Alot of people forget that the LB district includes many rural kids (farmers) and locations far west into the county. As a FHS graduate I have gotten to know many LB people through 4H, church, and sports events. It's pretty harsh to label ALL of the LB people as arrogant asses. I know some super nice people and it's just a few that ruin it. Sounds like the person posting here has a grudge, and also sounds like to me that it may just one or 2 people. Hard to tell since they won't tag their posts.
At 4:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I dont think "all" can be labeled "arrogant". The word all is over used many times. I live in Findlay but have a job that takes me to many areas. Some of these areas are BVC schools. I am very out going and not afraid to express my thoughts. Doing so brings out the feelings of others. I cannot figure out why, but I would say 80 percent of the people have not so nice stories about LB sporting events. The people bringing me these stories are of varied background and social groups. I am not sure if the rep LB has is fair, but it is wide spread.
At 7:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rather than attending LB's gradutation, I'll attend yours. If I understand you correctly, I should expect to hear the administrators and parents talk about how the students are decent, but certainly not exceptional.... really just about average. After all, anything more would make them sound arrogant like LB.
Likewise, if I spoke with parents of members of Van Buren's baseball or golf teams, Arington's baseball or softball teams or band, Arcadia's girls basketball team, Hardin Northern's football or volleyball team, etc. they would probably tell me that their kids were nothing special.
I doubt it. With success comes pride and I would absolutely expect to hear pride verbalized when talking to administrators, coaches or parents. That does not mean it's arrogance.
Let me guess, you LB haters out there, you probably think that George Bush stole the election, attacked Iraq for oil, and personally directed hurricane Katrina. If you hear it enough, it must be true, right?
At 8:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice try, but Bush won the election, we liberated Iraq based on bad intel regarding WMD's. Katrina was an act of God, not GWB. Also, your comment regarding "LB haters" shows the arrogance described by many other BVC schools.
At 8:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe JB should do an in depth investigation on this. Give him a chance to get out of the office, get to some BB games and sit with the common fans.(More then two or three.) Ask some questions, leave names out and see what he hears. Would be an interesting article. Of course, it would never be allowed by the Courier.
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
8:12 AM - Only if you want it to.
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